rutilant arena. Tabs. rutilant arena

 Tabsrutilant arena Rutilant Arena: Imaginary Type Fire Ice Wind Lightning Physical Quantum: Imaginary: Name Best Relic 1 Best Relic 2 Best Planar; Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae: Musketeer of Wild Wheat: Wastelander of Banditry Desert: Rutilant Arena: Luocha: Passerby of Wandering Cloud: Musketeer of Wild Wheat:Rutilant Arena: increases Crit Rate and Basic ATK DMG; Space Sealing Station: increases the user's SPD and ATK; Inert Salsotto: Increases Crit DMG and DMG from Ultimate and Follow-up Attack

We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. Broken Keel. This is my Fourth comparison video showcases Relic Set Pieces Rutilant Arena vs Inert Salsotto vs No Set Bonus with HP Boots in action side by side so you ca. And seeing Firmament Frontline Glamoth made me wonder if it‘s better than Rutilant Arena for our babygirl Seele. Đường Đua Hồ Quang Của Taikiyan. With all eyes on the arena, an exciting game of Roboball is about to kick off. Luocha. Rutilant Arena damage is not far ahead because most of Welt dmg is from. When the wearer’s current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer’s Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%. Rutilant Arena. About relics, I do have better HP% pieces on Rutilant Arena, and will level them up as soon as I can. I'm planning to use RA, because I was gifted a wind sphere and hp rope when I first time cleared world 7, so I was wondering whats the dps difference between the two? Very similar dps performance iirc 5%~ but rutilant you need 70% CR compared to inert only needing 50%. Rutilant Arena, the Ornament set applied to Jingliu in the trial run, is one such example. Why do people use inert salsotto on Seele? I feel like space sealing station and rutilant arena are better options tho. They don't work because they only trigger specifically during the attack and are conditional. dan gillespy February 10, 2022. It'll be easier to get the 15% dmg bonus from salsotto than the 20% from arena. Rutilant Arena ★★★★★ - Best - Best Ornament for increasing Seele's DPS since a big chunk of it comes from her Skill DMG. When the wearer’s Effect RES is at xx% or higher, all allies’ CRIT DMG. Rutilant Arena: Celestial Differentiator Inert Salsotto Space Sealing Station: Jingliu: Hunter of Glacial Forest: Rutilant Arena: Musketeer of Wild Wheat Celestial Differentiator: Clara: Champion. I have seen many heavy metal concerts at that arena and I loved it. 2 is bringing new relic sets and planar ornament sets Messenger Traversing Hackerspace, Longevous Disciple, Broken Keel, and Rutilant Are. Which stats should you boost on Imbibitor Lunae (Dan Heng)? Being a DPS unit, Imbibitor Lunae is best paired with stats that can boost his overall. "Let Them Fight" Saphiro187 3 months ago #2 E0 Arena, E1 Salsotto Howler 3 months. Planar Suit. As for your other relics, 4pc Ice is fine, but you can also do 2pc Ice/2pc Musketeer if you have good. When the wearer’s CRIT rate reaches 70% or higher, their ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%. #imbibitorlunae #danheng #planarsphere #linkrope #set #comparison #rutilantarena #versus #inertsalsotto #version1. Trailblazer (Fire) Natasha. The Rutilant Arena set gives its wearer Crit Rate, which is always valuable, while also increasing their basic attack and skill DMG by 20% should they reach 70% Crit Rate or higher. Rutilant Arena will increase Blade's CRIT Rate by 8 percent. Unless they gave us a tailor set relic for her. 2k damageRutilant Arena Planetary Ornament Set (2) Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. Taikiyan Laser Stadium. You, a special traveler, together with your companions who inherited the will of the Trailblaze, will travel across the galaxy on the Astral Express, following the path once traveled by an Aeon. When the wearer’s current crit rate is equal to or greater than a certain percentage, the wearer’s basic attack and skill damage increase: World 7 of the Simulated Universe: Space Sealing Station: Two equipped: increases the wearer’s attack by 12%. Rutilant Arena. For the Planar Ornaments, the Rutilant Arena is the go-to option. 繁星竞技场. Rutilant Arena - Planar Ornament. 8 (Current gear) + 12 (the unconditional CR from trace branches) + 18 (LC)Rutilant Arena. - betting on that 1-hit KO of an enemy (preferably using Ultimate from the get-go) disadvantage: - can only happen one time in a battle (regardless how many turns or attack actions had passed) recommendation for high effectiveness: - use any Technique that reduces enemies' DEF, to further. Broken Keen. Light Cones. 4pc wastelander or 2pc wastelander and 2pc atk are also recommended for dps, or 2pc messenger if you need speed (Keep in mind that 4-pc musketeer is also possible as an intermediairy set for him, if you don't have passible wastelander pieces). because most of her damage comes from her ult and her followup attack, not her basic/skill. Plain Tabs. Your email address will not be published. Using Pela/Sw makes the 10% cr from imaginary easy to activate (note that this won’t count towards rutilant) but the 20% cdmg is much harder to keep up. Taikiyan's Arclight Race Track. But 24% is behind the extra Skill Damage and Basic Attack damage that Rutilant gives. Photo: miHoYo. Planar Sphere. The rutilant arena is the best since it pretty much gives 20% skill damage for free in Jing Liu's transcendence state. With the best one in Vacuum being SSS (above 120 spd). Firmament Frontline Glamoth ★★★★☆ - Great ・ This is Seele's best Ornament if you have her at E2. Still, 20% Basic ATK and Skill DMG is extremely potent, making the set easily the Best-in-Slot for many damage dealers if you can achieve its steep requirements. Station for its attack increase, and Arena for its Crit Rate and Skill damage increase. To get. advantages: - bursts down 1 layer of boss HP quickly. 2. Rutilant Arena: Rarity: Plain. Her light cone is leaked to give skill DMG%, as well as energy restoration and CritDMG increase after using Ultimate. Before that dropped, i was running Space Sealing Station cause i thought that stats were overall better for Seele. Eidolons Image: HoYoverse. I noticed with the release of a new set of ornaments (Rutilant Arena) that this set fits very well on Seele. E1+, Inert. 当装备者的当前暴击率大于等于 70% 时,普攻和战技造成的伤害提高 20% 。. Rutilant Arena Icon. Takes away 30 percent of Blade's Max HP to enhance the next three Basic Attacks and increase their DMG. 2-Pieces: Increases the wearer’s Effect Resistance by 10%. This Imbibitor Lunae build focuses on dealing tons of Basic ATK DMG through CRIT DMG and ATK stats. Rutilant Arena, the Ornament set applied to Jingliu in the trial run, is one such example. World 7 – Rutilant Arena & Broken Keel. Space Sealing Station: 2 Piece: Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. Gallery. The plane encapsulates the most advanced arena on Planet Taikiyan — the Taikiyan Stadium. Blade's HP is set at 50 percent and this attack deals Wind DMG to an enemy and the ones adjacent to it. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic Attack and Skill damage increase by 20%. Rutilant Arena: Rarity: Plain. it’s pretty neck and neck. Meningkatkan 20% DMG Basic Attack dan Skill ketika CRIT Rate pengguna saat ini lebih dari atau sama dengan 70%. タイキヤンのアークトラック. Third, about the Energy Regen, iirc the LC lets you get an Ult from 3 full power Basics, which already gives you an 'optimal' Ult rotation without Tingyun or any other source of Energy Regen, meaning you get. Planar Sphere. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. After entering combat with enemies in the dimension, Jingliu immediately regenerates 15 Energy and obtains 1 stack (s) of Syzygy, with a 100% base chance of Freezing enemy targets for 1 turn (s). When the wearer's current critical rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic Attack and Skill damage. 2件: 装備キャラの会心率+ 8% 。. i doubt the spd set will work with asta ultimate bc the spd buff cannot be stacked if anything this set is made to make bronya even stronger. While in this state, Qingque cannot use her Skill again. ago. If you are still in the early stages of the Simulated Universe, the authors recommend Fleet of the Ageless which can increase HP 12% and ATK 8% if. Space Sealing Station (2) – +12% Attack, and another +12% Attack when the wearer’s Speed reaches 120 or higher. brb gonna be farming this boy for a WHILE for topaz and gui prep. Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8 %. Choose between two attack modes to deliver a full strike. I like it. and flat atk substats) + rutilant arena + one crit rate substat on my head piece, but my Crit Damage is only 160%. When the wearer’s Effect Resistance is at 30% or higher, all. After the follow-up attack, all Charges are consumed. The plane encapsulates the most advanced arena on Planet Taikiyan — the Taikiyan Stadium. Rutilant Arena is the best option for the Planar Ornament as it enhances Basic Attack DMG, although it has a highly demanding condition where players must reach 70% Critical Rate. | Icon by @Uwiewuie on Twitter. Edit: forgot about the innate 5% crit all characters start off with so now it’s 29% crit rate left. Link Rope. 2-Piece Set. The atmosphere is lively both inside and outside the dome as flags wave in the air. Gotta aim for 1:2 ratio. Increases Basic and Skill attacks by (?), after reaching a specific Crit Rate threshold (?). If the wearer’s CRIT Rate is 70% or higher, then their Basic ATK and Skill DMG are increased by 20%. Rutilant Arena and Broken Keel Planar are the new ornaments in Honkai: Star Rail 1. E1+, Inert. I honestly don't know whether or not the Imaginary Set's Crit Rate can proc Rutilant Arena or not, but if it does, it's probably better. Rutilant Arena. There you can get Rutilant Arena Relic by paying 40 Trailblaze Power or 1 Immersifier. Rutilant usually, unless you have ways to speed up your talent stacks then go Salsotto. Rutilant Arena - Increases CRIT Rate, Basic ATK, and Skill DMG, but with a 70% CRIT Rate requirement. 2 are the Longevous Disciple, Messenger Traversing Hackerspace, Rutilant Arena, and Broken Keel. Planar Ornaments that involve CRIT numbers, like Rutilant Arena and Inert Salsotto, give Imbibitor Lunae the most benefits. Sprightly vonwacq is not that good because in a full attack pattern for Jing liu, she can. He has 17% CR by default (5% base, +12% from minor traces), so you need an additional 53% CR from LC and/or relics to hit the 70% threshold for the Rutilant Arena bonus. Best Light Cone for Sushang in Honkai Star Rail In the Night. Big hockey game arena. Asta. Relic Stats to Prioritize for Sushang. Increases Effect RES. Rutilant Arena: Increases Crit Rate by 8%. However, meeting the SPD requirement can be. Taikiyan's Arclight Race Track. Taikiyan's Arclight Race Track. Two alternatives to Rutilant Arena are Celestial Differentiator or Inert Salsotto. After using this Technique, creates a dimension around Jingliu that lasts for 20 seconds, and all enemies in this dimension will become Frozen. 25% of Hook's ATK at the beginning of each turn. Rutilant Arena. You still want 40% EHR so keep that in mind, since you would still want to proc your ultimate imprison effect. As someone who once relied on others for protection, she now pursues strength. For her Planar Ornament, farm the Rutilant Arena, which provides an 8% CRIT Rate. It is a good set generally for DPS characters or characters that. That being said, your planar relics stat is good enough, so it's not priority. If you're using Rutilant, he needs a minimum of 70 crit rate, which shouldn't be too bad if you use a crit rate chest piece considering the 2pc and his traces will give you a free 20%. Rutilant Arena. When his. Difficulty 2: Trailblaze EXP x200. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%. The plane encapsulates the most advanced arena on Planet Taikiyan — the Taikiyan Stadium. Plain Tabs. Also his 6th Ascension Trace got changed to give Crit Damage and not Crit Rate, but if it gave Crit Rate it wouldn't count either. When their current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, their Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%. Rutilant Arena: Two equipped: increases the wearer’s crit rate. Blade Cuts the Deepest in Hell. Rutilant Arena - Planar Ornament. With that, the Rutilant Arena set will be another option for DPS characters, with the Inert Salsotto set being the other, looking for more Crit Rate and DMG bonuses. สิ่งที่บรรจุอยู่ภายในคือสนาม Taikiyan ซึ่งเป็นสนามกีฬาที่ยอดเยี่ยมที่สุดของดาว Taikiyan. Taikiyan Laser Stadium. The Rutilant Arena Planar Ornament set is one of the overall best Relic sets for DPS character and it remains a strong choice for Seele. 星々の競技場. I don't have Gepard and my March isn't built either. Celestial Differentiator. This is what I’m finding. Build Discussion. Discuss whatever you'd like with your fellow Trailblazers! Weekly Gacha and Drops Megathread. When the wearer’s current CRIT Rate is equal to or greater than a certain percentage, the wearer’s Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase. So I just logged in and quickly checked the new set since I main Welt and Qingque the new set would be really good for them but I just noticed the new set effect requirements is a lot higher than what the average consensus of crit rate is. When the total Effect RES of a character reaches a specific threshold, the CRIT DMG of all allies receives a boost. Salsotto and Arena are very close, but Salsotto edges it out. 次元界オーブ. Though Rutilant Arena does certainly change things, as it means you don't care solely about maximizing the crit multiplier, as you now also care about hitting the 70% crit rate threshold. Rutilant Arena: Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 8%. Rutilant Arena Currency Icon >> More comments. Players can obtain these ornaments from World 6 and World 7 of the Simulated Universe, respectively. Yes, E1 & 58% C. Rutilant Arena has too high of a crit requirement. She gets at least 40% free Critical Rate in her transformed state from her talent (50% if you max it out), so you only need 22% more (already accounting for Arena’s 8% bonus) to activate its secondary effect whenever she transforms. I'm not playing the game that much recently and I'm still using SSS on Seele, I would like to know how Firmament Frontline compares to Rutilant Arena, SSS and Inert Salsotto so I can start to farm a new relic set for her. These are the abilities you can use when you get her extra turn, making them perfect. Tabs. Rutilant Arena (2) – +8% Critical Hit Rate, +20% Basic Attack and Skill Damage when Critical Hit Rate reaches 70% or higher. Upon entering battle, Hook deals Fire DMG equal to 50% of her ATK to a random enemy. Best Light Cone for Sushang in Honkai Star Rail In the Night. Worcestershire Sauce at Huohuo. When the wearer’s. An alternative to Salsotto, but with steeper Crit Rate requirements to trigger the second part. I intend to use the Rutilant Set, which requires a 70% or higher Crit Rate. Stats should include an Ice Damage bonus on the rope and ATK damage on the sphere. While this is a good set, it has a really. Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Brittany Alva. Broken Keel offers more quality of life. First Time Clearance Rewards. Meanwhile, for Planar Ornaments, I recommend using the Rutilant Arena set: Rutilant Arena - increases CRIT Rate and further increases Basik ATK and Skill DMG when the wearer's CRIT Rate is 70% or above. Blowout: RIP Home Run deals Physical DMG equal to 180% of the Trailblazer's ATK to a single enemy and Physical DMG equal to 108% of the Trailblazer's ATK to adjacent enemies. 5. If you're planning to build Jingliu, then you do not have to worry about Crit Rate for her as much, since she already gets a lot from her passives. 4 When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). The Rutilant Arena relic set is her best 2-piece Ornament set, increasing the DMG of her Skills and Basic Attacks by 20% after reaching 70% Crit Rate. After using this Technique, creates a dimension around Jingliu that lasts for 20 seconds, and all enemies in this dimension will become Frozen. Fleet of the Ageless. The only thing that resembles the explanation we found is that many people run him with atk% boots due to a talent giving him extra speed, his attacks slowing down enemies and his artifact set advancing. Add the 32. Planar Ornament-wise, we then recommend that you go with either Rutilant Arena or Inert Salsotto. There are beings called "Aeons" in this galaxy. After the equipping character’s critical rate. Rutilant Arena. set effect. Obtain from Immersion Reward devices in World 7 of the Simulated Universe. You need to farm both either way so you will be safer to farm those until 1. My build right now is Crit Chest, Speed boots, IMG damage sphere and ATK rope. Relic SetAt the bare minimum, Jingliu only needs 7% crit rate from substats to reach Rutilant’s passive on her special state (5% base + 8% rutilant 2pc + 7% substats +50% talent). Simulated Universe. So this set and the Rutilant Arena Planar set would get him 24% crit, 32 from crit chest, 5 base… eh thats only 61% not enough to trigger the skill dmg bonus of the planar set…I guess you could get 24%(S5) from the 3* Mutual Demise Light cone but the stats are crap… Or just farm and farm until you get 2 crit rate rolls per relic on 4. Inert Salsotto: Increases Crit Rate by 8%. Rutilant Arena. Taikiyan Laser Stadium. The set also increases her Basic ATK and Skill DMG by 20% when her CRIT Rate reaches 70%. Rutilant Arena. The best option we have right now is just hunter of glacial and rutilant arena, well more like the only option imo. It increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by. El antes oscuro planeta se transformó en torno al deporte de la robobola y se convirtió en un deslumbrante centro atlético en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Premimum Light Cones. Gift of Odyssey – During the event, if you check in for a total of 7 days, you can get a limited-time reward of up to 10-Star Rail Special Passes;Rutilant Arena wants your critical rate to reach 70% to trigger the skill/attack boosting effect. шанс владельца на 8%. Rutilant Arena. Pan-Galactic Commercial Enterprise. The former is meant to increase the user’s CRIT DMG by 16% and, when the stat reaches 120% or higher, after entering battle, their CRIT Rate in Honkai: Star Rail increases by 60% until the end of their first attack. Although the crit rate is pretty big of a requirement Salsotto is better if you have Eidolons Reply reply Home;. Use Salsotto like they do in this vid. Rutilant Arena. Dan Heng can make use of all the bonuses provided by this set. Stats – HP%, ATK%, SPD. A new set of Relics and Planar Ornaments have recently been leaked for HoYoverse’s newest title Honkai: Star Rail. When their critical. Rutilant Arena and Broken Keel Planar are the new ornaments in Honkai: Star Rail 1. Rutilant Arena. If Qingque starts her turn with 4 tiles of the same suit, she consumes all tiles to enter the "Hidden Hand" state. Fleet of Ageless is great on dual DPS team, it provides ATK% buff to your other DPS and it buffs everything from more survivability to Blade's. Mortal Kombat 1 creator promises Wi-Fi filter after wrestling fan begged on live TV. Yeah, this is why I recommended they build with Space-sealing Station in the meantime and gradually work up to Rutilant Arena. Keep in mind the Rutilant Arena set already gives 8% CR, so basically you need 45% CR from LC/other relics. No, the 4 pc Imaginary set bonus doesn't work for Rutilant Arena. Rarity: Two-star, three-star, four-star, or five-star; Two-piece effect: Increases the wearer’s critical rate by eight percent. Increases the wearer's ATK by 12 %. 15% 84 Inert Salsotto 53. Gallery. タイキヤンのレーザー球場. It also allows Imbibitor Lunae to run two turn. Rutilant Arena has a higher requirement of 70% Crit Rate, which is still achievable, and gives you 8% Crit Rate as well as Skill and Basic Attack damage. With Blade’s CRIT Rate traces and the extra CRIT Rate granted by Disciple’s 4-Pc bonus, Blade can effortlessly activate both Inert Salsotto’s and Rutilant Arena’s set bonuses. However, you need to consider if the amount of time it takes to farm a new Ornament set is worth it over a minimal damage increase. Base 5% crit rate + 50% from transmigration state + 32% from body piece + 8% from rutilant arena equals 95% which is way too much crit rate. The plane encapsulates the most advanced arena on Planet Taikiyan — the Taikiyan Stadium. 2-Pieces: Increases the wearer’s Crit Rate by 8%. Taikiyan Laser Stadium. IMAGINARY% ATK% Sub Stats. . When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%. This lines in with her going to her Spectral Transmigration State for the 2 Enhanced Skill. Does the Rutilant Arena planar 2-set's increase to skill damage affect characters whose skills are just buffs to their basic attack by buffing the basic attack a further 20%? (ex: Blade/Dan Heng IL) Or does their basic attack only get buffed by the 20% and their skill's normal effects alone? MasterIzumi - 2 months ago - report. Messenger Traversing Hackerspace Set 2 Increases SPD by 6%. However, you need to consider if the amount of time it takes to farm a new Ornament set is worth it over a minimal damage increase. Ask questions or share your thoughts on Teambuilding! Weekly Friend/ID Megathread. Eris at New in 1. I was concerned about Rutilant Arena for DHIL, but it looks like he gets CR from his traces and the Imaginary set 4-pc which I wasn't aware of till now. You ideally want it at least for Bronya in Seele teams since Bronya can get Effect Res easily from traces to get the 30% needed. The difference between the two sets is very small (2-3% depending on the. She deals most of her damage through her swift basic attack. Rutilant Arena is definitely better. Topaz. Planar Sphere. but this means I can build her faster as I can level pieces with only crit damage which means more pieces. The two are roughly even in regular teams, but if Blade is the only one he is getting hit much. Blade Rutilant Arena vs Inert Salsotto. Rutilant Arena . Rutilant Arena. Straight DMG boost and Crit DMG boost are the SAME provided you crit. 4% crit rate. Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 8%. On the other hand, the Inert Salsotto set also increases its wielder’s Crit Rate by 8% while increasing their ultimate and follow-up attack DMG by 15% if their. Voting closed Share Sort by: Best. Open comment sort options Best; Top; New; Controversial; Q&A; Add a Comment. Rutilant Arena, the Ornament set applied to Jingliu in the trial run, is one such example. Stellar Jade x60. Relics. Taikiyan Laser Stadium. Phil Cottrell October 15, 2013. Two, the Crit Rate from buffs that only occur when attacking such as the 4 Piece Imaginary Set Bonus don't count towards Rutilant Arena. A 4. Luka. Space Sealing Station (2) – +12% Attack, another +12% Attack when the wearer’s Speed surpasses 120. Rutilant Arena Large Icon. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website. Inert Salsotto works similar to Rutilant Arena, but when current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, her Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%. 85% 98 This poll is now closed. With all eyes on the arena, an exciting game of Roboball is about to kick off. Rutilant Arena is incredibly powerful, but it possesses the steepest activation condition of all Planar sets by far, at a massive 70% CRIT Rate. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic Attack and Skill damage increase by 20%. When your Crit Rate reaches 70% or higher, your Basic Attack and Skill DMG increases by 20%. Rutilant Arena. บรรยากาศทั้งนอกและในสนาม. Get 70%+ for rutilant arena buff and atleast 120%+ crit damage. Out of the two, Rutilant Arena is the better set when compared with Space Sealing Station as it directly contributes to one of Dan Heng IL’s most important stats and enhances Basic ATK DMG significantly. The best Ornament set for Jingliu in Honkai Star Rail is Rutilant Arena. Your email address will not be published. 連結縄. In term of multipliers Crit DMG works similarly to Damage Increase. With two stacks of Longevous Disciple buffs it's up over 70%, but Rutilant Arena is providing him no bonus damage. Run ATK rope. Ill be real, besides having really good main stats/sub stats purposes because i completely understand if thats the case. Broken Keel: Planetary Set: 2: Increases the wearer’s Effect RES by xx%. Rutilant is bad. 2 Set: Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 8%. Rutilant Arena | Honkai Star Rail Database - Honey Hunter World. Blowout: Farewell Hit deals Physical DMG equal to 300% of the Trailblazer's ATK to a single enemy. 装備キャラの会心率が 70% 以上の時、通常攻撃と戦闘スキルの与ダメージ+ 20% 。. When her current crit rate reaches 70% or higher, her basic attack and skill damage increase by 20%. In addition, there is a 100% base chance to inflict Burn on every enemy for 3 turn (s). Rutilant Arena: Two equipped: increases the wearer’s crit rate. Ice set is good. 位面球. When the wearer’s critical rate. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. This is a solid way of enhancing the damage. El antes oscuro planeta se transformó en torno al deporte de la robobola y se convirtió en un deslumbrante centro atlético en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Broken Keel. Is there something else i can improve on? Also i will try to max traces after I’m done competing the nameless honour and I’ll use the mats from that to max. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%. Rutilant Arena. Taikiyan Laser Stadium. タイキヤンのアークトラック. When the wearer’s current crit rate is equal to or greater than a certain percentage, the wearer’s basic attack and skill damage increase. The plane encapsulates the most advanced arena on Planet Taikiyan — the Taikiyan Stadium. Space Sealing Station: Increases Atk by 24% (12% + 12%) after a 120 Spd threshold. Healer. When Charge stack reaches maximum, immediately launches a follow-up attack on all enemies, dealing Wind DMG equal to 0. Rutilant Arena Inert Salsotto: Main Stat Body: Crit Rate / Crit DMG Feet: HP / SPD Planar Sphere: Wind DMG Link Rope: HP Sub Stat Crit > HP > SPD: The Unreachable Side A Secret Vow Something Irreplaceable On the Fall of an Aeon: Basic > Skill > Talent = Ultimate: Bronya. However loading more damage into her skill helps her snipe mobs so that she can get resurgence procs. Ambos os times da casa e visitantes se enfrentam em um estádio gigantesco, enquanto a multidão de espectadores enche o domo. Simulated Universe World 7 is a brand-new world released in Honkai Star Rail 1. fullcoffee24 • 3 mo. Arena obviously needs no introduction, but here are the effects of FFG, for those who haven‘t seen it yet: 2-Pc: Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. Topaz. Is dominance a bad. This is what I’m finding. Drop down your thoughts about this. Two-piece effect: Raises the critical rate of the equipping character by eight percent. Rutilant Arena. Unfortunately, you’re not guaranteed to get the Broken Keel relic set since World 7 also features Rutilant Arena gear as a reward. And my god, that 70% crit requirement is pain. . Rutilant Arena Large Icon. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. 2pc: Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. Rarity: Two-star, three-star, four-star, or five-star; Two-piece effect: Increases the equipping recruit’s critical rate by eight percent. Inert Salsotto focuses on improving the damage of Blade’s Ultimate and Talent, which does count as a follow-up attack, while Rutilant Arena boosts Blade’s Basic ATK and Skill. Planar Ornament. Link Rope. DHIL’s bonus ability vs Imaginary weak enemies does NOT contribute to Rutilant. 1. A max of 1 Charge stack can be gained every time he is attacked. 2-Pc Set: Increases wearer’s CRIT Rate by 8%. Rutilant Arena (2) – +8% Critical Hit Rate, +20% Basic Attack and Skill damage when the wearer’s Critical Hit Rate reaches 70%. When the wearer’s current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer’s Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%. 2-Set Of Rutilant Arena. Two alternatives to Rutilant Arena are Celestial Differentiator or Inert Salsotto. When their Speed reaches 120 or higher, their ATK increases by an extra 12%. Rutilant Arena 2 pc. This bonus is easy to achieve as Jingliu has a 40-50% CRIT Rate self-buff, which is triggered upon entering Spectral Transmigration. Khi tỷ lệ Bạo Kích của người đó từ 70% trở lên, sẽ tăng 20% sát thương gây ra khi thi. Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. When the wearer’s speed. ago. Broken Keel. Rutilant Arena is technically the go-to Ornament if you want Blade to deal the most damage. Meanwhile, Inert Salsotto will increase Follow-up ATK and Ultimate by 15%. Dan Heng IL is a Main DPS character in the team. Rutilant Arena (2) – +8% Critical Hit Rate, +20% Basic Attack and Skill damage when the wearer’s Critical Hit Rate reaches 70%. The 2-Set of Rutilant Arena will increase Imbibitor Lunae's CRIT Rate by 8 percent. However, the 70% CRIT Rate requirement is very steep – Dan Heng will get 25% CRIT Rate naturally from his Traces while Rutilant. Gallery. 2-set Space Sealing Station: Meningkatkan 12% ATK pengguna. At the same time, restores Blade's HP by 0. The main benefit that I see that RA gives is it should help with her consistency in getting the 1 shot on the adds to proc the resurgence. But I'm having a lot of trouble getting to 70% crit rate to run rutilant arena (with relic set and everything already accounted for) and also getting 135spd, as I'm gonna pair him with Bronya and Luocha (Bronya 134 spd). This attack consumes ten percent of your maximum health. Rewards; Difficulty 1: Trailblaze EXP x600. 차원 구체. CRIT ATK% SPD BREAK. When the wearer’s current CRIT Rate reaches 80 percent or higher, the wearer’s Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20 percent.